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Lighting design trends to watch out for in 2023

What will this year look like for you? Will your designs take a new course of creativity to reflect the year 2023? In a world of progressive change and limitless possibilities, how will you continue to shine out from the crowd? With every new year an opportunity for innovation arises and with it, a refreshing new outlook on interiors. Luckily for you, you’ve landed on our lighting guide for 2023.

If you’re new to our content hub, you wouldn’t have seen our earlier article on emotion and environment. We explained that while lighting is often considered last in the design process, it plays a pivotal role in setting the right tone for your space. As you embark on your 2023 designs, consider what mood you want to set for your client’s year ahead – is it one of positivity, happiness, and light? Colour temperatures, material layering, and sustainability, should be at the forefront of your mind.


Curved lighting, although prominent for a few years, is taking up all the spotlight for 2023 – anything from cylinders, spheres, bubbles, waves, and rings should be on your radar. A curved lighting fixture will give shape to the room, capture the eyes of those who see it and release positive imagery; just some of their symbolisms include unity, eternity, relaxation, light and free.

Curved lighting


With sustainability at the forefront of everyone’s mind, eco-friendly lighting is certainly trending for 2023. This year, designers are being challenged to repurpose used materials to make magnificent lighting fixtures. From used fishing net to 100% recyclable acoustics from 14six8, we are certain this is where the future of lighting lies…

Repurposed lighting - using fishing net to 100% recyclable acoustics

Mixing metals

Historically, mixing metals has been taboo. Mismatching chrome, brass and silver an interior disaster. But times change and in 2023 mixing metals is the hottest trend on the market. From polished chrome and brass to burnt steel and black nickel, now is the time to merge your metals and create a fixture built on vintage charm…

Light hanging from wooden ceiling


Glass, the topic on everyone’s mind. From wall tiling to architectural fixtures, glass is favoured for 2023 for good reason. Glass is a delicate material that doesn’t dominant the interior of your room. It is perfect for smaller rooms that require a sense of luxury or a subtle layer of texture. Thanks to its transparency, glass reflects light, brightening and opening spaces to they appear larger. Iridescence, a by-product of light refraction, can be manipulated to create a unique effect largely under appreciated to date. We believe iridescent lighting fixtures could be the underdog of 2023, transforming light into rainbow light hues.

Glass lighting Glass lighting

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