Local vs Foreign Importation: The Pros and Cons | NGA Skip to content



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Local vs Foreign Importation: The Pros and Cons

Between 2020 and 2022, the global supply chain suffered a major breakdown, disrupting the once seamless availability of products from across the globe to consumers' doorsteps. As we transition to a post-covid era, it's worth examining whether this experience has altered our perceptions of importation. Specifically, are businesses now more inclined to rely on local suppliers, or are they grateful for the renewed access to global supply chains?

Person with mask on welding

The pandemic has taught us that relying solely on global suppliers comes with inherent risks. Time constraints, shipping costs, minimum order quantities, and delays are just some of the challenges that can arise. Moreover, there are concerns about the impact on the environment. Quality assurance is also a significant concern. Can businesses be sure that the products they receive from global suppliers will meet their standards?

Despite these challenges, the global supply chain has many advantages. In a world that values innovation, sourcing original products made to bespoke requirements is essential. The global supply chain offers a wider variety of product ranges and variations, enabling businesses to expand their offerings. Additionally, the global lighting market is highly competitive, which results in more competitive pricing structures that cater to a broader range of budgets and needs.

Local production also has its benefits, such as greater control over the quality and consistency of the products produced. Companies can ensure that they meet their own standards for quality and adjust as necessary. Local production also allows for quicker turnaround times and better responsiveness to customer needs, which can save companies money by reducing shipping costs and minimizing their carbon footprint. This approach also promotes a greener planet.

Workman in the dark

In conclusion, the decision to choose between local and foreign production in the lighting industry depends on the company’s specific needs and goals. Local production provides control over quality, consistency, and time, while foreign production provides access to new technologies, designs, costs, and variety.

To minimize the risks associated with global supply chain imports, it’s crucial for companies to partner with trustworthy local suppliers such as NGA. Working with reputable suppliers ensures that products are quality-assured, delivered on time, and fall within the budget. By choosing to work with a reliable supplier, businesses can eliminate the risks and concerns associated with delays, while also guaranteeing quality.


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